Monday, February 10, 2014

Bridge and Safari in Africa

Vicky and Morris are not playing together. They used to. But not anymore. Morris is not a bad guy, but when he plays, he cannot control his behavior. So in order to keep their marriage together, they stopped playing. Vicky doesn't miss bridge at all. Life is good and friendly without it...

And then they went on a Safari tour to Africa, to see the animals... And over there they met a couple they used to know from the old times they played bridge together. "It's practically boring in the evenings here," said the other woman, when all 4 of them were sitting in the hotel lobby, having a coffee. "Hey, we have cards! Why don't we play Bridge like in good old times," suggested the other man cheerfully. "Oh, but we don't play together anymore. We agreed not to," panicked Vicky. "But it's so boring here!" "Surely you can afford to make an exception", added the other guy. "Come on my little Bunny (Vicky likes it when he calls her that). I promise it will be fun," said Morris. Vicky continued to refuse. They continued to insist, trying to make her feel guilty for ruining their great bridge evenings. The other woman was looking at her with anger. "It's not like you have better things to do," she said. "Please, my little Bunny. I really promise I'll behave," whispered Morris to her. Eventually she gave in.
She was rusty, after not playing for so long. And she made many mistakes. Morris tried to remember his promise and forged phony smiles while watching her play. It was obvious that he was feeling more and more furious.

And then came this hand:

N-S didn't bother to investigate too much and wildly bid a bad grand slam, with 3 missing kings. Vicky found the best lead, the ♠5.

Declarer won in dummy and played the Q. Morris covered with the K and South won the A, ruffed a heart, played the ♣Q to his ♣A and ruffed a club.
Then he played 4 more rounds of diamonds.
Then he played 3 more rounds of trump, ending in hand and continued with his final spade from hand.

Vicky thought for a while, not knowing whether South has only diamonds or if he has 2 diamond and 1 club or 1 heart. Finally she decided to keep the 10 and K10. Declarer continued with the Q, capturing her K with his A and established his last 2 diamonds after the J captured her 10.

"Sorry, I was squeezed and couldn't possibly tell what to guard", she sighed with a smile. But Morris was not at all amused: "For God's sake, think! How can declarer possibly have hearts or clubs? If he has any of them, he would simply ruff them in dummy instead of pulling all his trumps. So he must have only diamonds left. Keep K10x and you will always make the last Diamond. It drives me nuts when you think like a stupid cow", yelled Morris.

A few seconds of echoing silence followed. Vicky got up slowly and said: "You see what bridge does to me? It turns me from a little bunny into a stupid cow". And she left the table. Morris ran after her, trying to apologize, but she wasn't willing to forgive. And she wasn't willing to speak to him either. Not that day, not the next day, nor the day after.

The following day he was determined to make it up to her. He woke up early in the morning and ordered a delicious breakfast and 2 enormous baskets of flowers. It was a wonderful morning and he opened the window. And there, just below, stood a magnificent huge lion. "Little bunny, wake up quickly. You have to come see this! A lion," he said with enthusiasm. "There's a lion right here by our window!" "You really should get your eyes checked Morris," she said, without getting up. "No, no, I'm serious, there is a beautiful royal lion, in front of our window, little bunny." Vicky remained in bed and said with closed eyes: "I am serious too. You have an eye problem. I am not a little bunny - I'm a stupid cow. That is not a royal lion you see – It's a stinking pig. And that's not a window you are looking at - It's a mirror!"

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Oren's Double Dummy Challenge #23**

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.
Oren's Double Dummy Challenge - 23**

You are playing 6♠. West leads the K. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
** Difficulty level: medium.


Win with the A, ruff heart with the ♠K, return to dummy with a spade to the ♠8. Ruff another heart with the ♠A , return to dummy with another spade to the ♠9 and ruff the last heart. Play the ♠J and overtake it with dummy's ♠Q to reach this ending:

Continue with the ♠2, throwing a diamond from dummy. West is in trouble: If he throws a club, you will play a club to the ♣A and another club to West's ♣K. West has only diamonds left, and he is forced to underlead the K, so that your last 3 tricks will be the AQ and the ♣10. If West throws a diamond on the last spade, you will play a diamond to the A and another diamond, forcing West to win the K. West has only clubs left, and is forced to underlead his ♣K, helping you score the ♣AQ and the Q. West can also try to be smart and throw the J on the last spade and the K(!) when you play a diamond to the A. Then you will need to play another diamond to the Q and run the ♣Q to West's ♣K. With ♣J6 left, West has to continue clubs to your ♣A10.

Well done to everyone who solved the problem!

Oren's Double Dummy Challenge #22***

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.
Oren's Double Dummy Challenge - 22***

You are playing 6♣. West leads the ♣3. You must make your contract against any defense. Note that whenever West wins a tricks, he continues with another club. Good luck!
*** Difficulty level: hard.


Win in dummy, finesse hearts to the Q, play the ♠A and continue with diamonds. If West allows you to win, continue by ruffing a spade, then play another diamond . Say West takes the A and plays another club - Win in dummy again, ruff spade, play diamonds to dummy's K and ruff another spade. Continue now with the A and a heart ruff to reach this position:

Play another spade and ruff it with the ♣A. West is fixed: If he discards the J - Continue with the 10 . If West discards again - Throw the last spade from dummy, and the ♣K is high. If he ruffs - Overruff with dummy's ♣K and the ♠Q is high. If West discards the J - Continue with the 9. If West discards again - Throw the last spade from dummy and the ♣K is high. If he ruffs - Over ruff with dummy's ♣K and the ♠Q is high. If West decides to under ruff - Dummy is high.

Well done to everyone who solved the problem!