Challenge #5* (difficulty: easy)
(East's full hand is ♥6 ♦KQJT98765432)
Hi all readers. I rate this week’s problem as being easy (*) but prepare yourself! Next week’s DD will be Evil (****)! I wonder how many will manage to solve it.
You are playing 6♠. West leads the ♦A. Make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
To make your contract , you need to eliminate all suits so that you come down to the position where South’s last 3 cards are ♠AJ10 and West’s last 3 cards are ♠KQ9. Only then you will be able to play the ♠10 and force West, upon winning with his ♠Q, to play back a spade into your remaining ♠AJ.
In any other case, when West wins a trump trick, he can escape by leading another suit, thus protecting another trump trick to set you. So how can you get rid of 6 trumps from hand? Ruff the opening lead with the ♠3 in dummy and under ruff with the ♠2 at the same time! Ruff a club (you are down to 7 trumps in hand now), go back to dummy with a heart (finesse as cheap as possible), ruff a club. Rince and repeat 3 times – heart to the dummy and club ruffs. Now you are down to the desired position before playing the ♠10 at trick 11.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!