Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Solution to DD Challenge #28

Contract: 6. Lead: ♣3.

Ruff trick 1, play ♠Q, and ruff West's ♠K. Come back to hand with the K, play the ♠J and ruff West's ♠A. Get back to hand with the A to reach this position:

Continue with the ♠10 and throw the A from dummy! Continue now with another spade.

West has few options:
  • He can discard, on which you simply continue with spades, throwing all your losers. Or,
  • He can ruff with the 5 on which you will overruff with the J, ruff another club with your last trump, and continue spade. West can ruff with the Q, but then he return with heart – And your hand is high.
  • And finaly, if West ruffs with the Q – Underruff with the J! West can either continue with heart or with the 5 – But your hand is high again.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Double Dummy Challenge #28

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.

You can experiment with the deal below to see if you can solve it. Click the Next button in the diagram to see the opening lead. Click the Play button to play the cards for all 4 players. You can use the GIB button for clues, by seeing which are winning cards to play and which are losing ones (A red number on a card means if you play that card, contract goes down that many undertricks. A green number or a green = sign means if you play that card, contract makes).

Oren's Double Dummy Challenge #28 - By Oren Lidor

You are playing 6. West lead the ♣3. Take it from here: