Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Oren's Handplay Problems - 4

This is the 4th hand in a handplay problem series from Oren Lidor. This is a defensive play problem. The solution will be published the following week, along with a new problem. Have fun!

Defensive Play Problem 4

West lead the 2 to your J and South's K. At trick 2 South played a spade to the ♠9 (West played the ♠8).

How do you defend (playing standard carding, 4th best leads)?

Oren's Handplay Problems - 3

>This is the 3rd hand in a handplay problem series from Oren Lidor. This is a declarer play problem. The solution will be published the following week, along with a new problem. Have fun!

Declarer Play Problem 3

West lead the ♠4 . You tried the ♠Q, but East covered with the ♠K.


West lead the ♠4. You tried the ♠Q but East covered with the ♠K. Make your contract.

The lead should tell it all!

Why didn't West lead a club?
Why did he lead spade from a weak suit to the ♠J?
With ♣AK or ♣KQ he would surely prefer a club lead. So he must have ♣AQ if he avoided leading away from it. That places the ♣K with East and all the other high cards with West, else he would not have enough values to open.

So, play accordingly: Win the ♠A, play a diamond to the 10, cash A, come back to hand on the A and throw a spade from dummy on the good K.

You are safe now, you will lose only two clubs and the K.