Contract: 6♦. Lead: ♣3.
Ruff trick 1, play ♠Q, and ruff West's ♠K. Come back to hand with the ♦K, play the ♠J and ruff West's ♠A. Get back to hand with the ♦A to reach this position:
Continue with the ♠10 and throw the ♥A from dummy! Continue now with another spade.
West has few options:
- He can discard, on which you simply continue with spades, throwing all your losers. Or,
- He can ruff with the ♦5 on which you will overruff with the ♦J, ruff another club with your last trump, and continue spade. West can ruff with the ♦Q, but then he return with heart – And your hand is high.
- And finaly, if West ruffs with the ♦Q – Underruff with the ♦J! West can either continue with heart or with the ♦5 – But your hand is high again.