Thursday, August 15, 2013

Double Dummy Challenge #13****

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.

Challenge #13 (difficulty: evil)

Note that this week's DD is truly "evil"! Good Luck!

You are playing 7. West leads the ♣Q. You must make your contract against any defense.


Contract: 7. Lead: ♣Q. Difficulty: Evil.

Win the ♣A, discarding diamond from hand, and play the ♣K. East cannot afford to ruff. So, the problem is divided now to 2 options:

a) East discards a diamond: Throw a spade from hand and finesse hearts toward the 10 at trick 3. Go back to dummy with the K and play another heart to the J. Continue playing AK and a 5th heart to reach this position:

On the last heart West is in trouble. He cannot throw a spade, nor can he throw a club, else he will promote 2 tricks in that black suit. So he must throw a diamond. Throw a club from dummy and continue with diamond to the A. Play the last high diamond from dummy, throw a spade from hand and West is doomed:
- If he throws a spade, your ♠A will drop West's ♠K and the ♠Q is high.
- If he throws the ♣J, you will be able to throw the ♠Q on dummy's last club.

b) East discards spade: Ruff the ♣K(!) and continue with the ♠A and the ♠Q, ruffing it when West will cover with his ♠K. Play a heart to the 10 and continue with the ♠J9 (West's ♠10 falls on the ♠J), throwing 2 clubs from dummy. Continue now with a diamond to the K arriving to this situation:

When you play now club from dummy, East will discard a diamond. Ruff it low, enter the table with the A and play another club to capture East Qxx with your AKJ via a trump coup.

Well done to all the solvers!

Monday, August 12, 2013


I couldn't say no to this. Meeting my old university friends after more than 20 years was really nostalgic.
"Join us on Friday. We all are going to be there. We actually found a 4th and we play every week since you disappeared from our life," said Ariel when I accidently met him on the street, then he continued: "I still live at the same place.  Do you remember where it is?"
Sure I remembered. 4 of us studied together for all the exams for 3 years, mostly at Ariel's big house. We used to study for about 2 hours, and then play bridge all night. So... I said yes, and was really looking forward to reuniting with my old friends.

Ariel opened the door. Next to him stood a huge threatening Schnauzer dog. He stood there like a statue, not moving, his eyes fixed on me.
"Hi Oren, great to see you! Oh... this is Gustav", he said noticing my worried look.
"I never saw such a behaviour in a dog. My dogs are always barking at strangers. He seems very disciplined. Is it safe to pass?" I asked, as Gustav made no attempt to move from his position.
Ariel wanted to say something, but then changed his mind and said with a smile: "Sure! Come in. All the others are already waiting."

After talking for an hour about old days and new days we started to play (we were 5, so we changed every few deals). Ariel became declarer on this deal:

I was West and I lead the 6. Ariel won the trick with his 10 and played on clubs. I took the ♣A on the 2nd round of clubs and switched to the 3.
Ariel tried the J but East covered with his Q and lost to South's A. Stuck in hand, declarer tried to play spade to dummy's ♠K , but East took it with the ♠A and returned his 2nd heart. Ariel played low but I won with the K and played a 3rd heart forcing declarer to win in hand once more with the A and promoting 2 heart tricks. 
When Ariel tried his ♠J , I won the ♠Q, cashed my hearts (East guarded his spades and threw diamonds so on the last heart declarer threw spade) and continued with another diamond. Declarer won East's 10 with the K, cashed the ♠10 but lost the final trick to my 7. 3 down! 

"Killing defense", murmured Ariel. "I should have tried to run my ♠10 instead of playing to the ♠K".
"Then I would allow you to win and keep my ♠A to your ♠K", said my partner.
"You could have made it if you win the 1st trick with the A", I said. "Now you keep 2 low hearts in hand and guarantee an entry with heart after your clubs are promoted". 

All this time Gustav was laying calmly next to us but when we all got up, saying noisy words to one another, he jumped from his position and stood by the door. I made a big  mistake, trying to go to the door first, and saw Gustav exposing his teeth with a threatening noise and make a fast move towards me. I withdrew immediately and threw Ariel a questioning look.

"Yes Oren , I wanted to tell you before... Gustav has a separation anxiety", said Ariel. When he saw that my puzzled expression did not change, he continued:
"He is afraid to be left alone. We actually caught a thief once due to that. The poor man  was allowed to enter our house with no interference and only noticed Gustav when he wanted to leave... Gustav wouldn't let him go and he had to call the police himself to rescue him from the dog."

I smiled and said : "So... What now? Are we to stay here till the end of times, playing bridge?"
"Oh no, there is a practical solution to that", said Ariel and went to the kitchen, coming back after few seconds with a cheese cube. He showed the cheese to the dog and threw it to the kitchen. Gustav raised his ears and ran quickly to the kitchen while Ariel closed the door after him.
"You see? It's easy. The coast is clear now".

I reached the door and turned back to him: "He is not very smart, is he? I mean, after all these times, doesn't he realize that whenever you offer cheese to him it means that people are leaving?"
"Well I thought about it myself for a long time and came to the conclusion that Gustav thinks the same way about us... They are not very smart those humans, are they? After all these times, didn’t they figure out that all I want is that little piece of cheese?".

Double Dummy Challenge #12**

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.

Challenge #12 (difficulty: medium)

You are playing 4♠. West leads the ♣Q. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!

Win the ♣A, draw 3 rounds of trump and play the ♣2, discarding a diamond from hand. West will win and continue clubs. Allow him to win 2 more rounds, discarding 2 hearts from dummy and 2 more diamonds from hand, to arrive at this position:

Ruff the next club in hand, discarding the last heart form dummy. East is squeezed: If he throws a heart – Ruff heart in dummy, come back to hand with the A, ruff another heart in dummy, ruff diamond in hand, and the last heart is high. If he throws a diamond – Win the A, ruff a heart in dummy, ruff diamond in hand, ruff heart in dummy and the final diamond in dummy is high.

Well done to everyone who solved the problem!