Thursday, August 15, 2013

Double Dummy Challenge #13****

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.

Challenge #13 (difficulty: evil)

Note that this week's DD is truly "evil"! Good Luck!

You are playing 7. West leads the ♣Q. You must make your contract against any defense.


Contract: 7. Lead: ♣Q. Difficulty: Evil.

Win the ♣A, discarding diamond from hand, and play the ♣K. East cannot afford to ruff. So, the problem is divided now to 2 options:

a) East discards a diamond: Throw a spade from hand and finesse hearts toward the 10 at trick 3. Go back to dummy with the K and play another heart to the J. Continue playing AK and a 5th heart to reach this position:

On the last heart West is in trouble. He cannot throw a spade, nor can he throw a club, else he will promote 2 tricks in that black suit. So he must throw a diamond. Throw a club from dummy and continue with diamond to the A. Play the last high diamond from dummy, throw a spade from hand and West is doomed:
- If he throws a spade, your ♠A will drop West's ♠K and the ♠Q is high.
- If he throws the ♣J, you will be able to throw the ♠Q on dummy's last club.

b) East discards spade: Ruff the ♣K(!) and continue with the ♠A and the ♠Q, ruffing it when West will cover with his ♠K. Play a heart to the 10 and continue with the ♠J9 (West's ♠10 falls on the ♠J), throwing 2 clubs from dummy. Continue now with a diamond to the K arriving to this situation:

When you play now club from dummy, East will discard a diamond. Ruff it low, enter the table with the A and play another club to capture East Qxx with your AKJ via a trump coup.

Well done to all the solvers!

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