Challenge #13 (difficulty: evil)
Note that this week's DD is truly "evil"! Good Luck!
You are playing 7♥. West leads the ♣Q. You must make your contract against any defense.
Contract: 7 ♥. Lead: ♣Q. Difficulty: Evil.
Win the ♣A, discarding diamond from hand, and play the ♣K. East cannot afford to ruff. So, the problem is divided now to 2 options:
a) East discards a diamond: Throw a spade from hand and finesse hearts toward the ♥10 at trick 3. Go back to dummy with the ♦K and play another heart to the ♥J. Continue playing ♥AK and a 5th heart to reach this position:
On the last heart West is in trouble. He cannot throw a spade, nor can he throw a club, else he will promote 2 tricks in that black suit. So he must throw a diamond. Throw a club from dummy and continue with diamond to the ♦A. Play the last high diamond from dummy, throw a spade from hand and West is doomed:
- If he throws a spade, your ♠A will drop West's ♠K and the ♠Q is high.
- If he throws the ♣J, you will be able to throw the ♠Q on dummy's last club.
b) East discards spade: Ruff the ♣K(!) and continue with the ♠A and the ♠Q, ruffing it when West will cover with his ♠K. Play a heart to the ♥10 and continue with the ♠J9 (West's ♠10 falls on the ♠J), throwing 2 clubs from dummy. Continue now with a diamond to the ♦K arriving to this situation:
When you play now club from dummy, East will discard a diamond. Ruff it low, enter the table with the ♦A and play another club to capture East ♥Qxx with your ♥AKJ via a trump coup.
Well done to all the solvers!
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