Oren's Double Dummy Challenge -
You are playing 6♠. West leads the ♣6. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
**** Difficulty level: evil.
Contract: 6♠. Lead: ♣6. Difficulty: ****Evil.
Win the first trick with dummy's ♣Q. Ruff the ♦3 in hand. Draw ♠AKQ. Play a heart to the ♥A and continue with the ♦A (throwing a heart from hand), then with the ♦10 (throw another heart) to arrive at this position:
West must win with the ♦J (if he allows your ♦10 to win the trick, you simply continue with a heart, losing it to East, win the club return, ruff a heart and throw the last heart on the ♣K). When he plays another diamond – Ruff in hand and throw your heart from dummy. East is in trouble: If he throws the ♥Q – Ruff a heart, play club to the ♣A and the ♥J10 are high. If East throws a club - Play the ♣A first, ruff a heart, and the ♣K3 are high.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!
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