You are playing 3NT. West leads the ♣9. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
** Difficulty level: medium.
Play the ♣10 from dummy and Win East's ♣Q with your ♣A. Continue with ♦AKJ, throwing ♠AK from hand! East will win with his ♦Q but now he is forced to help you into entering dummy:
If he plays ♠Q and another spade - the ♠J wins and after cashing 3 more diamonds you will be able to finesse hearts for the 9th trick: 1 spade, 2 hearts, 5 diamonds and 1 club.
Same will happen if East continues with club: you will win it with the ♣10, cash your diamonds and finesse heart. You will also get the 9th trick if East continues with a low heart - Run it to dummy's ♥Q , cash your diamonds and finesse hearts.
East's best return is the ♥K! He cannot stop you from entering dummy, but he will give you the 9th trick, as the hearts are blocked now. Win the ♥K with the ♥A and play heart to the ♥Q. Run your diamonds to reach this ending:
East best keep 2 cards in each of the black suits. If he bares the ♠Q or the ♣K, declarer will play that suit, forcing East's honor out and promoting his ♣J or ♠J for the 9th trick.
But even in the position above the contract is safe: Whichever cards dummy plays, the defense will take 3 tricks and concede the last trick to one of the Jacks.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!
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