Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Oren's Double Dummy Challenge #23**

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.
Oren's Double Dummy Challenge - 23**

You are playing 6♠. West leads the K. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
** Difficulty level: medium.


Win with the A, ruff heart with the ♠K, return to dummy with a spade to the ♠8. Ruff another heart with the ♠A , return to dummy with another spade to the ♠9 and ruff the last heart. Play the ♠J and overtake it with dummy's ♠Q to reach this ending:

Continue with the ♠2, throwing a diamond from dummy. West is in trouble: If he throws a club, you will play a club to the ♣A and another club to West's ♣K. West has only diamonds left, and he is forced to underlead the K, so that your last 3 tricks will be the AQ and the ♣10. If West throws a diamond on the last spade, you will play a diamond to the A and another diamond, forcing West to win the K. West has only clubs left, and is forced to underlead his ♣K, helping you score the ♣AQ and the Q. West can also try to be smart and throw the J on the last spade and the K(!) when you play a diamond to the A. Then you will need to play another diamond to the Q and run the ♣Q to West's ♣K. With ♣J6 left, West has to continue clubs to your ♣A10.

Well done to everyone who solved the problem!


  1. Take the lead.Ruff 3 times hearts in hand with the big trumps returning to dummy with small trumps.After last ruff enter dummy again with small trump.After play the last dummy spade discard diamond from hand.defender will have to discard diamond or club and on of his kings.if discard club we play A club small club.If discard diamond A diamond small diamond and slam is made.

    1. u can only enter dummy thrice with low your solution is wrong Peter
