Friday, October 9, 2015


"You skipped History class three times in a row, you put a frog in the Literature teacher's suitcase, you sent a false love letter to the Chemistry teacher, you called your Math teacher in the middle of the night and asked him to run quickly and see if he has water in the toilet - and when he came back and said: 'Yes I have' – you said: 'What did expect there, Coca Cola?', you threw paper airplanes in the class during Religion hours and you taught three first year students how to curse in Spanish. You are therefore suspended from school for 3 days. In addition, I expect to see at least one of your parents, to explain to me how come you behave like animals," the Principal closed his long lecture.

As they left the room, Joe said: "Finally. All four of us got kicked out. Now you can all come to my place and we play Marathon Bridge for 3 days."
Tanya didn't seem too happy: "My parents are going to kill me! I promised them to behave better."
"Don't worry too much, Tanya, said Danny. Let my dad handle this - He really understands these things. Your parents won't even find out about this."
"Just pity for the Bridge lessons we miss tomorrow - I don't care much about the rest," sighed Martha.

And off they went to Joe's house to play some cards. The bridge was great!

Here is one of the hands where Tanya put on a nice performance.

Dealer South, all vulnerable

West lead the Q. Tanya won in hand with the K and pulled two rounds of trump. Next she played A, throwing a club from dummy and ruffed a heart.

Now she thought about playing clubs to endplay opponents. But then she paused, realizing it will not do any good, as even if one opponent has QJx his partner could play another diamond and she still had a diamond loser. Therefore she first played AK. When West showed out she continued with a club, endplaying West who only had hearts and clubs left. When he returned a club, Tanya was able to ruff in dummy and throw her diamond loser from hand.

"How do you explain that your son and his friends behave like animals?" had said the Principal to Danny's father. Back to school, 3 days later, the four kids gave the Principal a letter from Danny's dad.

His answer was:


You expect our children to:
Wake up every morning like roosters,
Carry their schoolbags like donkeys,
Run to school like deers,
Work hard like ants,
Copy from the blackboard like monkeys,
Be quiet as fish,
And after all this you are surprised they behave like animals?"...

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