Saturday, June 8, 2013

Short Term Memory

Life is amazing. Running a bridge club, I learn new things about life very every day. Joseph (Joe) remembers very well many things from his far past. His long term memory is excellent. However, he has huge problems with his short term memory: he forgets appointments, where he put things, what he ordered to drink and even what day of the week it is. But there are two short-term things he never forgets: to smile with his warm charming smile, and to play bridge! And I’m talking in short memory terms – despite his memory problem, he practically remembers all the cards and bids during the deal! How do you explain this?

"Are you a singleton?", I asked one of the ladies who walked into my club (meaning: Did you come alone and need me to find a partner for you?)
"No, I'm playing with Joe," she answered.
"Are you a singleton?" I ask another lady who enters the club alone one minute later.
"No, I'm playing with Joe," she says.
The first lady stands up and tells her: "No! I'm playing with Joe today. We played two days ago and we made an appointment for today."
"Well, we played yesterday and made an appointment for today," replies the second lady.
The two angry women agree to play with each other and leave Joe with no partner.
"How dare he cheat on us?"
"Let’s wait by the door and see what happens when Joe shows up and finds out than none of his dates is available," agrees the other one.

While we wait with the ladies, let's take a look at one of Joe's recent performances, a contract that he was the only one in the club to make: 

The bidding:

Joe got an obvious spade lead. He won with his Ace and drew 4 rounds of trump to pick up all of his opponents' trumps. As I said, he was the only one who found the winning play.

Dear reader, can you try to spot the solution yourself before reading on?
Joe remembered East's opening bid and played West to have the A and no more spades. He continued with the ♣K and another club to the ♣Q. Now he played the K and discarded the ♣A from his hand! West won with the A but was forced to continue with a club or a diamond. Joe was able to throw his spade losers on the Q and the ♣J. Well done Joe for using the stepping stone technique on West!

Joe finally showed up at the club, saw the two ladies waiting by the door and greeted them warmly with his charming smile. Then he walked straight to me: "Hi, Oren, I am a singleton today. Please find me a partner..."

1 comment:

  1. Amusing story! Memory is a strange thing. Very cool declarer problem (no, I didn't get it either ;-)
