You are playing 6♥. West lead the ♠K. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
Win with the ♠A, ruff a spade with a high trump, play the ♥2 to the ♥7 in dummy, ruff another spade high, play the ♥3 to the ♥9 in dummy and ruff the final spade. Play the last 2 trumps to reach this ending:
On the last heart, West had to throw the ♣Q in order to protect all his 4 diamonds (else you can finesse and win 5 diamonds to make 13 tricks). Continue now with the ♦A and another diamond to the ♦10. Exit now with the ♣J and the defense is in trouble: If East plays low and allows West to win with the ♣K, he will be forced to continue with a diamond and you will make the last 2 tricks with dummy's ♦KJ. If East will rise with his ♣A, smashing West's ♣K on the way, he will be forced to play a club into your ♣108.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!
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