Challenge -
You are playing 5♦. West leads the ♠T. East wins with ♠A and continues with the ♠Q. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
** Difficulty level: Medium.
Contract: 5♦. Lead: ♠10. Difficulty: **Medium.
East wins the ♠A and plays back another spade. Win the ♠K, enter dummy with a club and play a low diamond to the ♦Q. Play a 2nd club towards dummy and another low diamond to the ♦10. Get back to dummy on a 3rd club and ruff the last spade with the ♦4. Now play ♥AK and a 3rd heart to West's ♥Q. You have reached this position:
West will play one of his black cards and you will ruff it with the ♦8. If East overruffs with his ♦K – Play the ♦A and the ♦9 is high. If he underruffs with his ♦7 – discard the ♥7 and the ♦A will be your last trick.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!
Pretty sure you don't need the second diamond finesse immediately. You can come down to:
xx - -
- -
- K76
x - -
And then just ruff high in dummy.