Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Seeing through cards #11

Dealer South. North South Vulnerable. Difficulty level: Hard.

You are defending 4. West leads the ♠J and you win with the ♠A. This one is a real challenge! Let's see if you can set them!
  1. How many points does partner have?
  2. What is partner's shape?
  3. How will you continue?

  1. How many points does partner have?
    North has 14, and South at least 12 for his opening. You have 11. That gives partner maximum 3 points (maybe 4, if south opened light).

  2. What is partner's shape?
    It is likely that with a 5-card fit in diamonds, no more than 1 heart and shapely hand, partner will sacrifice to 5 at any cost at this vulnerability. As N-S have at least 8 hearts together, partner cannot have more than a singleton. It is also possible that with a singleton club he would either try to lead it or bid 5 (with 2 singletons). So, it is likely to find partner with 2 clubs (no more than 2 as South supported with 3♣ ), 4 diamonds, 1 heart and 6 spades.

  3. How will you continue?
    This is not an easy one, even with open cards. You have 3 sure tricks: 2 aces, and the K. If partner has the ♣Q, it's a wasted honor card as it will drop doubleton or it will get finessed by declarer who will surely try to draw trumps first, and throw diamond losers on the good clubs later. You cannot expect to find partner with the ♠Q either, as he has lead the ♠J. If you could only put partner on lead to get a spade ruff... But you CAN!... If partner has QJ or Q9: Play a low diamond at trick 2. Partner will cover whatever South plays and N will win the trick with the K.

    When declarer plays trumps, you will win with the K and play again a low diamond to you partner. A spade continuation from him will set the contract: 1 spade, spade ruff, 1 heart and 1 diamond for the defense.

  4. Things to remember:
    • West's 3 bid suggests a sac by E-W, given the favorable vulnerability. It cannot be a strong bid, as all other 3 players showed good hands, but it should be distributional. Notice that if N-S have a sure game here, 5 will be a good sacrifice, losing 1 heart, 1 diamond and 2 clubs for -300 (2 down) in an accurate play.
    • You sacrificed your A but you made sure your partner will get the lead for a spade ruff.
    • Timing is everything here. If you would try to play passively, declarer will be able to draw your trumps and cash his high clubs, making 10 tricks (or 11 if you don't cash your diamond).

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