Oren's Double Dummy Challenge -
**** Difficulty level: evil.
Win the lead with the ♦K and play another diamond. If East ruffs it he will continue either a club or a spade. Ruff a club and a spade then play the ♦A and a heart to the ♥K. If East doesn't ruff, win the ♦A and play a 3rd diamond to West's hand, discarding a spade from dummy. Win any return from West, ruff a club and a spade and play a heart to the ♥K (or, if West returns a heart, win with the ♥K, ruff spade and ruff club). In short, no matter how opponents play you will adjust your play to reach this ending:
Continue with the ♥Q and East is squeezed: If he throws a spade: Play a low heart from hand, ruff spade, ruff club, ruff spade and spades are high. If he throws a club: Overtake the ♥Q with the ♥A, ruff club, ruff spade, ruff club and the clubs are high.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!
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