Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Oren's Double Dummy Challenge - 26****

The rules are simple. You get the contract and the lead. You may look at all cards and play accordingly (you are always South). However, the defense can do the same, and they never make mistakes. You must find a way to make the contract against any defense.

You are playing 3NT. West leads the ♠AK. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
**** Difficulty level: evil.


On the 2nd spade throw the A!

If West continues with the ♠J, throw the Q from hand. East must play low on the ♠J or the ♠10 will get promoted.

If West will switch to hearts: Finesse to the 10, play club, capturing East's ♣KJ with the ♣AQ, cash the A and continue with a 3rd club. West wins with the ♣10 and is forced to continue with hearts. Win with the K, and continue with your 2 top clubs.

The last club squeezes East:
- If he keeps the ♠Q, he must throw a diamond, and the last diamond in hand becomes high
- If he throws the ♠Q then the ♠10 in dummy is high.

If, at trick 4, West switches to the 10 - play the J from dummy, and when East covers with the Q - win it with the K. Play heart to the 10, continue with club, capturing East's ♣KJ with the ♣AQ, and play a 3rd club. East again is forced to win and play heart to dummy's K. Continue with diamond from dummy and finesse to the 8 when East plays low. You will lose only 3 spades and 1 club.

If West switches to club a trick 4: Win with the ♣AQ , finesse heart to the 10, play the J, capturing East's Q with your A and continue with your 3rd club, reaching the same position as before.

If West doesn’t continue with the ♠J but switches to heart at trick 2 – play the 10 from dummy, continue with the J , taking the K when East covers, return to dummy with Q to the K, finesse diamond again and you have 6 diamonds, 1 club and 2 hearts. (If West plays the J – you take with the K and unblock the Q from hand, promoting the 10).

If West continues with a diamond at trick 3 – Play the J and win in hand when East covers with the Q. Play heart to dummy, finesse diamond again, and you have 9 tricks as before.

If West continues with a club at trick 3 – Win cheaply in hand and play a low diamond to the J. East will win this, but the spade suit is still blocked. Whatever he continues, you will enter dummy with heart, finesse diamond and make 5 diamonds, 2 clubs and 2 hearts. Notice that if after winning with the club you play heart, West might rise with the J, and you no longer have 2 entries for 2 diamond finesses.

Well done to everyone who solved the problem!

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