Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Declarer Play Problem - 1

This is the first hand in a declarer play problem series from Oren Lidor. Each hand will be labeled with a difficulty level. Solutions will be published the following week, along with a new problem. Have fun!

Declarer Play Problem - 1

Difficulty level: Hard

You are playing 6. North lead the ♠T.

How do you play the hand?


You are playing 6. North lead the ♠T.

Win in hand and finesse clubs.

If it fails, play heart to the J to capture the Q in North: this works whenever North has Qxx, Qx or...if the Q is singleton (in that case win with the K, play the J and finesse to 9). A and low to the J will not help against Q singleton with South as you lose to T8xx with North.

If the club finesse works, play K, return to hand, and continue with a heart to the J. That will ensure 4 heart tricks against any 4-1 split.

Stay tuned for more such problems in the following days.

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