Sunday, October 19, 2014

Oren's Handplay Problems - 2

This is the second hand in Oren Lidor's handplay series. This time, a defensive problem. Solution will be published the following week, along with a new problem. Have fun!

Defensive Problem

Your partner lead the T. How do you defend to set 4?


You are playing 4. Your Partner lead the 10.

Win K and play the 4. Whenever you get the hand again with or , play A, A and give your partner a ruff.
If You play AK and a 3rd , Partner will ruff with the 6 but declarer will overruff , play 3 rounds of clubs and throw his 4th .
Also not good to play A and another . Declarer wins, draw 3rd trick. He is able now to throw 1 on the 3rd cl and to establish a trick, losing 2 and 1 only.

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