You are playing 7♠. West leads the ♦J. You must make your contract against any defense. Good luck!
Win the ♦K, ruff a heart, play the ♣Q and when West covers, win it with the ♣A. Ruff a 2nd heart , return to dummy with the ♦A and ruff another heart. Play the ♦Q and 2 more rounds of club and ruff a 4th heart in hand. You will reach this position:
When you play the ♦8, West will ruff. If he ruffs low, you will overruff with the ♠9 and make the last 2 tricks with the ♠AK. If he ruffs with the ♠J, you will overruff with ♠K and run the ♠9 to finesse East's ♠Q.
Well done to everyone who solved the problem!
in the end, south must have in hand 2 spades, with ace, and one diamond, play by hand D, ruff with nine or king, over J, so that is