Monday, April 20, 2015

Seeing through cards #14

Dealer South. None Vul.

Against 3NT you lead the ♣3. Your partner played the ♣J and declarer won with the ♣A and played the Q, overtaking in dummy when you played low. He continued with the J, discarding the ♣4 from his hand, and you won with the A.
  1. Where is the ♣K?
  2. Where is the ♣10?
  3. What is declarer's distribution?
  4. Which card you must hope partner to have in order to set 3NT?
  5. Which card will you play next?
  1. Where is the ♣K?
    With Declarer, as partner didn't play it at trick 1 (3rd hand plays high).

  2. Where is the ♣10?
    With declarer, as partner didn't play it at trick 1 (3rd hand plays LOW from a touching sequence).

  3. What is declarer's distribution?
    4-4-1-4. Declarer showed 4-4 in the majors + he followed to only 1 diamond = he has 4 clubs.

  4. Which card you must hope partner to have in order to set 3NT?
    ♠A. If declarer has it - he has already 10 tricks: 2 hearts, 5 diamonds, 2 clubs and...the ♠A. So You must assume partner has it and play accordingly.

  5. Which card you play next?
    ♠K. Assuming partner has the ♠A, you need to play in such a way that the defense will make 4 spade tricks. If you play low spade, partner will take the ♠A, return a spade to your ♠K (♠Q falls), you will cash the ♠J, but declarer's ♠10 is high.

    If you play the ♠J, declarer will cover it with the ♠Q. Partner will win the ♠A, return spade to your ♠K9, but again, declarer's ♠10 is high.

    You need to plan that the 3rd spade will come from partner's hand! So... play the ♠K first, then the ♠2 to partner's ♠A (♠Q falls) and the 3rd round of spades from partner puts your ♠J9 over declarer's ♠108.

Things to remember:
  1. Third hand plays high.
  2. From touching honors or sequence of cards, 3rd hand plays LOW from the sequence.
  3. If you realize you need a certain card from partner to set a contract - assume it is there and play accordingly - what other choice you have?
  4. Realizing declarer has 4 spades and partner needs the ♠A to set, this is the position:
    ♠KJ92 ♠A43
    Play the ♠K, continue with the ♠2 to partner's ♠A, and a 3rd spade from him will put your ♠J9 over his ♠108.
  5. And which card will you play in this sequence?
    ♠KJ92 ♠A43
    Play the ♠J! Declarer must cover with the ♠Q and partner will win the ♠A, return a spade and you have ♠K9 over declarer's ♠108.
  6. Bidding 4th suit on level 1 (as the above sequence) shows either 4th suit forcing (=Game Forcing) OR a natural 4 carder spade.
  7. Bidding 1♠ and later 3 = Game forcing, will show that your 1♠ bid was 4th suit and not natural spades.
    NOTICE! If North would bid 3 as rebid after 1 (without bidding 1♠), that would show an invitational hand with 6 diamonds and 10-11 points, on which South may Pass (!) with a minimum hand.

1 comment:

  1. hi
    it took me 5 minutes to understand that west was
    not below north but above north!
    i think a right picture nesw makes it easier
